New! Text Communication
Do not forget to sign up for the new official channel of communication – text messaging.
Along with our new website, we have established a streamlined way for the board and committee chairs to communication with the club membership. The communications will be streamlined and in-frequent. The technology permits us to easily group communications according to activity so that you won’t receive texts that are not relevant to events or projects in which you are participating.
This is not a group text so all responses will come only to the relevant board member and / or chairman for that event. From time to time, we may send out club-wide texts with important announcements.
To sign up, just text our new Team Text at 252-555-1212
Note: if you register for a regatta or junior sailing camp or team you will be automatically enrolled for that activity. You can opt our anytime by sending a message back to our team text with the request to ‘opt out’